Thursday, April 2, 2009

Unneutered males

And of course my big question is WHY??
People usually give three reasons for not neutering.
One. It costs too much.
Two. It will change their personality or its mean - or my husband won't let me.
Three. I want to breed.

To me, none of those are good excuses.

There are spay/neuter programs. You can get it done cheaply if you make an effort. My opinion also is, if you can't afford a dog, don't get a dog. Shots, food, grooming, equipment, training and spay/neuter are all costs of owning a dog. I don't have as many dogs as I would like because I can't afford it. Part of being an adult - postponing gratification till you can afford it.

Husbands can be funny about neutering. Doesn't bother them at all to get a female spayed - but you go messing with the important things! Well, now, you've done quit preaching and gone to meddling, as they say.
I'm good with dogs - human males, not so much. And personally, I've not noticed neutering changing personalities at all - the occasional mellowing - but. It does ease frustration. It stops a lot of hormones from coursing into their.....brains..... And honestly, I think its meaner not to - think of it - all that need rushing to parts that can not be used! How mean is that?? (remember being a teenager?? whoa baby!)

Breeding. Don't breed. Just don't do it. Do you have any idea how many tons of dogs are put to sleep in your home town because they have no homes?? The world does not need your dog's offspring. Especially not needed is puppies from your dog with biting and aggression issues.
If you are not a professional breeder - don't breed. No. Stop. Quit even thinking about it.

Tonight is my Aggressive dog class. Lots of testosterone floating around in there. So far I've not talked any of them into neutering. But I've got weeks yet to discuss it. And I shall - oh, yes, I shall.

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