Monday, December 29, 2008

Tiny Tyrants

A couple was in the aisle yesterday with a very very spoiled little chihuahua baby - and honestly you just can't spoil a dog more than you can that kind.
They just lap it all up and think they rule the entire world. Chihuahua's will turn into tiny tyrants quite easily. They have attitude far beyond that of many other dogs. We like attitude!
So they were buying clothes for their baby,looking at new food for her eating pleasure, tempting her with toys,
asking me this, asking me that - then said can we get her nails trimmed? I said yes, took them back to the grooming salon, left them there in capable hands, wandered back that way a bit later and saw them come out.
I said That didn't take long.......
She said, "Oh, we couldn't get them done - baby wouldn't let us."
I said - let me try....I love a challenge.
We go back, I get the head groomer - said "You cut, I'll hold."

So I get baby in a grip - and she SCREAMS like I'm KILLING her - and you just haven't heard much till you hear a chihuahua scream. I kept reassuring Mommy and Daddy, "she's fine! I'm not hurting her, I'm just holding her!!! Honest!" Baby is furious! She screaming - trying to bite - so mad she pees all down my leg, into my bait pouch and ALL over the work phone clipped to my belt. (My boss tells me later, "if you were carrying a manager phone, you're going to be in deep trouble!")
Groomer gets her clipped - she's clipped screaming dogs before - no problem.
The couple is SO SORRY I got peed on, they apologize up and down, over and again. I do what I usually do. I say, "Oh, that's never happened to me before, I don't know HOW to deal!" while laughing. They go on and on about how great I am - and give me a ten dollar tip.........whoa baby - I'm thinking I'll be a groomer when I grow up!
However, later on - I was looking at my arm, 'dang my arm hurts' and I have several lovely sets of deep claw marks from wrist to elbow.
The Queen has spoken!

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