Sunday, December 28, 2008

Magic wands

And shoot - I left mine at home!
I tell people that all the time. I don't think they believe me. After all - Caesar has a magic wand! He comes, he cures, he leaves, life is great and dog is perfect!
Dogs are not robots. They think. Not like we think - but then, does your child think the same way you do? If they did, would the terrible two's and teens be terrible? Of course not! Because if we all thought alike, you could explain things to them in a way they understood. In a way they would 'get it' without all the drama and angst.
And yet. It happens not.
Dogs are even more that way. What happens in their brains is not what happens in our brains. They mostly do what works for them.
Its easier to pee in the house - just hide it if you don't want the newspaper swatting your backside.
Its fun to jump on people. All kinds of attention from that! Yeah, sometimes daddy plays a little rough when I jump -
but its sure better than not having any attention!
Mailman! He comes - I bark, howl and attack - and he leaves! Every single time! Fun Game! I win every day!!

Doorbell rings - I run to the door and bark. Mommy runs to the door and barks! Excitement for all!!
Open that front door and I get to run! Charge! Chase is on! GREAT game!

My magic wand will not cure any of these behaviors.
They can be cured, fixed, replaced with another behavior you do want doggie to do.
But not by waving a wand.

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