Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why why why

Why does he do that?
Why does he herd the kids?

Why does she bark at the squirrels?
Why does she behave better for you than me?
Why does he jump on people?

WHY oh why oh why does he stay outside for an hour and then poop in the house within five minutes of coming back in??
Why does my dog DO the things he does??

I will try and take some of these - and more questions in the next few posts.
But the simple answer to many of our 'why' questions is just a 'because they are dogs and not people'.
Dogs make no moral judgements on poop and pee the way we do, so they sniff, eat and roll in it, much to our disgust.
Dogs need a job and exercise. If you don't give it to them, they will herd your children and dump your trash.
Squirrels are mean and cruel creatures, sent to earth to tease the dog into a frenzy.
Mostly though - we take a living, breathing, thinking, creature into our homes to spoil, to love, to live with and we expect them to act like four legged furry children. And they are not. Are not. They are dogs. Really. Totally different species, no matter how we dress them up and talk baby talk to them.
They will be dogs.

And if we can't be as thankful for that as we should be - we should at least accept and embrace the concept wholeheartedly.

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