Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My New Goal

Was chatting with one of the ladies in puppy class last night. She was telling me,
"My husband read me this ad in the paper 'Jack Russell puppies for sale' And I thought he was just sharing something interesting. I didn't know he was planning his own birthday present."
Little Nipper came to live with them not long after that.
The man had bought his own 86th birthday present.
I asked, "have you had JRT's before?"
No, they had always had big dogs, but hadn't had a terrier and hadn't had a dog for - oh, say, (conference) about twenty or so years. Maybe longer.
They are enjoying this little dog so very much.

Couple of minor problems - one, energy level.
He has more than both of them combined. Running rings around them is just a problem! Literally and figuratively. They can not give this dog enough jobs or exercise him enough to control what might be destructive behavior when he turns teenager.
The other problem - they have a very very extremely smart dog. One of those 'too smart for his own good' kind of dogs. and every time both of them look at him they dissolve in huge silly grins and let him get away with everything. Including what he was named for - nipping.
Well, these are things we can change if they are willing - teach the puppy new behaviors, give him jobs to do, teach him nipping people is a no-no but there are many fun things to chew on.

And I now have a new goal for my life.
I plan to be 86 years old and make myself a fifteen year commitment to someone/thing.

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