Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rain, thunder and all things fun!

Most dogs don't mind the rain.
Well, MY dogs mind the rain.

They look out the back door, look up at me and say "We were Teasing! No reason to go out in That!" And being the mean mommy I am - I open the garage door and take them out under the overhang so they don't have to get their delicate little sensibilities all wet. I am such a softie. And I don't like pee in my house........

But dogs in class don't mind the rain - they come in all excited - all soaked! Happy to jump all over me and dry off! Shake shake shake! Water thrown everywhere!

What they DO mind is thunder. Now some dogs are very nervous when it thunders. Some don't notice. Some go insane.
And its Contagious. Last night was a week two class and thunder. NOT a good combination. Dogs are still a bit nervous anyway on a week two class.
Most dogs don't get upset by thunder - they will hear it, look around and if no one reassures them (which when you coo "oh, baby, its okay, mommy is here, won't let nasty thunder get you!" what they Hear is "oh, baby, what a good dog you are! Mommy wants you to act Just Like That!") they get over it.

But I often get One dog in class who hears thunder and announces to the other dogs "Did you hear that?? Its the end of the world as we know it!!"
And the other dogs look at him and say "Really?? We didn't KNOW that was what that meant! Thank you for telling us!"
and then they all go much fun for the person trying to run the class.
What makes it More fun is when a Grown person ALSO joins in! "THUNDER! Lets all run and hide!!"
Sometimes the only solution is to walk around and shoot calming spray in the air and hope it lands on someone in need. Or dismiss class Early!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where can you get some of this calming spray stuff???