Friday, January 2, 2009

Doggie goals

One of my great joys in life is setting - and then achieving - goals. I don't really make resolutions, but instead set intense, involved, specific, focused goals. Short term, long term, map out all the steps along with way. Its a fault. But - not one of my worst ones!

Some of the doggie things I'm planning to do this year:

Take a clicker class. I just don't work with the clicker enough to be comfortable with it. I'm looking forward to expanding my clicker skills to share with others.

Do some volunteer work with one of the local shelters. There are several to chose from, and I need to become more involved. Couple hours a week.

Better follow up with clients. One class session does not cure all. Especially puppy class - usually the babies have long graduated before they turn adolescent. And adolescence is often just as fun with dogs as with kids.

Take an on line class, preferably focusing on service dog training, but whatever I find that intrigues me.
Become more of an on-line presence.

Continue working on my dog writing with the goal of publication in bigger venues.

Work on my picture taking skills. Maybe a class for that, too!

Shut up and listen more. Hard to learn anything when the mouth is moving.

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