Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Week Away

Time is getting close! Everyone is making their lists and checking them twice. Thrice. Over and again. Stressing out over how much money they have left to spend, how much work they have left to do, how much paper they will need to wrap, how many relatives they have to be nice to! Stress stress stress!

And so - what do many people do?? Throw a new puppy into the stress mix! I'm always amazed at how many people show up with Christmas puppies. I guess I shouldn't be. Puppies are a GREAT gift. I want one too!!

Now is a very hard time to get a new family member. Everyone is super busy - and that is saying a lot because it seems people are always busy. I tease people in class 'I want one of those life things everyone else seems to have!'
And new puppies are a lot of work. Believe me. I 'do dog' forty hours a week and I hear it every single day. Time intensive!
Babies! They need your attention. You need time to give to them. You know - that time thing you have such a short supply of right now? A new puppy is not the old dog you remember from your youth. New puppy will not settle down contentedly at your feet for more than a minute and a half. He will be eating your shoes instead. Peeing on the Christmas presents. Pooping where you step in your bare feet. Needing to go out three times a night. Played with. Brushed, fed and cuddled. Trained!
A new puppy is a GREAT gift. Just think it through before making a fifteen year investment.

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