Sunday, December 21, 2008

Old tricks, new dogs

One of the most questions I get asked the most is 'is my dog too old to learn???'. Generally I find out the dog they are asking about is between two and six years old.

Most of the dogs in my beginner class are in that age bracket, for a couple of reasons. One, by then, the owners have figured out 'he's NOT going to outgrow that on his own and I have NO clue what to do about it.' The other thing, that is the age many dogs are turned over to a shelter or re homed. They didn't outgrow whatever behavior drove old family insane and instead of dealing with it, they decided dog was fungible.

When people get a shelter dog, that hasn't been to a foster home, I always tell them, 'if they told you he was housebroken, they are lying. He probably doesn't walk nicely on the leash, and doesn't come when he's called either.' Those three are the top reasons dogs are turned into shelters, not because people 'move' and leave their dogs, not because of aggression. But because they pee in the house, drag their owners, charge out the door, jump on people. Behaviors that can be fixed with some
focus and attention. I signed up a blind in one eye, can barely see out of the other, ten year old miniature poodle yesterday for a beginner class. Mommy wants dog to have fun, learn new tricks, have a great rest of its life. I will do all I can to help with that. I've had a thirteen year old beagle, an eleven year old Brussels Griffon, a nine year old Golden go through my classes. Just like people, older dogs can learn. Even things like Not peeing in your house.
Just give them a chance to prove it.

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